Smartphones. It’s with us in bed, it’s with us in our pockets, it’s with us in class, it’s with us when we eat and yes it’s even with us on the toilet seat.
Smartphones aren’t evil. They are simply tools to use. But tools become a problem when they start to use us instead. In today’s highly connected world, teenagers need to develop healthy boundaries with their devices so that they may experience deeper and more real time experiences with themselves, their friends, their family and the world.
Student Aims…
• Become aware of the ongoing battle for their attention
• Reflect deeply on their phone habits
• Learn practical ways to develop a healthier relationship with their phones and devices
“It’s about reclaiming your time and attention from the relentless demands of the digital world and investing them in activities and relationships that truly matter to you.”
Jose Briones, author of Low Tech Life
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